Where can I find general information on Laladoo”?
In order to get more information on Laladoo click „about us”.
Where can I find information on Laladoo products?
You can find the offer of all our products on our website in the left-hand side column. Click the item that you are interested in to get more information.
I would like to buy some Laladoo product as a present for somebody from my family or a friend who has delivered a baby recently. Is that possible?
Of course, and what's more it is really easy. It's enough if you place an order via the Internet and we will sent it to the address specified by you (within Holland or beyond it). On your request we can also add a short dedication to the present chosen by you. In order to give us a dedication wording it is enough to choose a free of charge 'gift service' while placing the order.
What are the conditions of a dispatch of Laladoo products beyond the area of Holland?
In case of a dispatch beyond the area of Hollnad we cannot guarantee the delivery on the following working day. Depending on where the present has to be delivered the delivery time can be also different. The dispatch cost at the area of European Union amounts to € 6.50 for 1 product, beyond the European Union it is € 8.50. If you would like to send more products or you have more questions connected with the dispatch conditions, you are welcome to contact us.
How can I pay for my shopping at Laladoo internet shop?
Laladoo accepts payments of all banks that are made by the following cards: iDeal, Visa, Mastercard. The bank transfer from any bank having its headquarters in Holland and registered in De Nederlandse Bank is also possible. We use MultiSafepay system that guarantees safe payments via Internet for both parties.
How can I be up to date with the Laladoo products?
You can find full information concerning all our products on our website. We try to update it regularly and encourage frequent visits. It is also possible to get a subscription on new products via newsletter. Then, all new information will be sent indirectly to your e-mail box and you will not miss anything!:)
I have a question concerning Laladoo products. Who can I ask it?
In case of any questions or hesitations connected with Laladoo products, you are asked to sent an e-mail on vragen@laladoo.nl, and you would be answered within 3 working days.
Is it possible to order Laladoo products via telephone?
The easiest way ordering Laladoo products is in our internet shop. If this is not convenient or possible for you, please send us an e- mail and together we will seek a solution.
I am a shop owner and I would like to have Laladoo products in my stock. How can I start cooperation?
You are welcome to send an e-mail with the shop contact data on aanmelden@laladoo-retail.com. We would contact you as quickly as possible to discuss cooperation conditions. You can also browse our website www.laladoo-retail.com to get more information.
Where are Laladoo products produced?
Laladoo products are produced in Germany. Materials used for their production also come from Germany. Our manufacturer is Trigema, large and well-known on the market company producing t-shirts and tennis clothing. Trigema cares of high quality of used materials, thanks to which we can be sure that our products are safe for each toddler.
Does Laladoo offer have more products than these offered on Laladoo Internet website?
Our website is updated on a current basis. Each new product is added to our offer as soon as it appears! You would be also kindly informed about it via e-mail if you subscribe for our newsletter. We are full of excellent ideas for fashionable, ecological and safe products for babies, so it's really worth staying in contact with us.
What does Cradle to Cradle exactly mean?
The idea of cradle to cradle is full recycling and avoiding materials that cannot be used again. The idea is that the same material used in other product saves its quality and any “wastes” of the production process could be processed or be ecologically neutral. A product created on the basis of Cradle to Cradle does not consist any toxic substances and is safe for both people and environment. All clothes by Laladoo, and also their packaging are made according to Cradle to Cradle basis and are totally biodegradable.
Why should I choose Laladoo?
Because Laladoo means not only nice clothes but also care for what are they made of. We want your child to wear things that are fashionable and long-lasting; things for the production of which high quality and safe for baby materials were used. We think that babies deserve everything the best. Our products, created on cradle to cradle basis are just like that. Safe world of your baby starts from clothes they wear, from toys they play. Trust us and choose Laladoo.
What if I wouldn't be pleased with the Laladoo products?
If any of our products would not meet your expectations, send it to us. Depending on the reason of a complaint, you would be sent a new product or money would be refunded to you. You can find more information in the shop general terms.
I bought Laladoo product but I would like to resign. How can I do it?
You have the right to return a bought product within 7 days without providing the reason. You can find more information in the shop general terms.
I run a retail sale. Where can I find more information for shop owners?
You are kindly asked to sent e-mails on vragen@laladoo.nl. You would be contacted as soon as it is possible.